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Responsible ports

The Harbours of Toulon are the focus point of a port ecosystem offering great potential, making it the main lever of economic, tourist, industrial and sustainable development in the area. As the undisputed number one when it comes to operating services to the Mediterranean islands, a prime alternative for the cruise business and an expert on intra-Mediterranean freight, the Harbours of Toulon are establishing themselves as a preferred interface for carrying out the activities linked to the Mediterranean and the surrounding area. The Var CCI is committed to supporting this growth while promoting the transformation of the Harbours of Toulon into the "Cleanest port in the Mediterranean". The main challenge for the next decade is to incorporate environmental and social factors into urban and port development projects, thereby ensuring a harmonious integration of port activities being carried out at the heart of the Metropolis.


Therefore, we are committed to:

  • Preserving the natural environment and everyone's living environment
  • Decarbonising our activities
  • Ensuring the exemplary nature of our internal operations, the well-being and health of our employees
  • Establishing a long-term solid base in the area by continuing the dialogue with all our stakeholders, supporting and promoting local activities and contributing to the local economy.



With the satisfaction of its customers and stakeholders as its top priority, the CCI du Var is pursuing an ISO 9001 certification process. The first step was taken in July 2024, when we obtained ISO 9001 quality certification for our vehicle transit activity at Bregaillon. We are now aiming to extend this certification to all our activities and terminals. Access the Quality Policy of the Ports Division of the Var Chamber of Commerce and Industry here -> Quality Policy 2025


Zero-smoke stopover charter

18 month

analysis of air pollution


of the training budget allocated to occupational health/safety/well-being training


annual meetings with the Harbour community





Politique environnementale


Environmental policy


The Var CCI pursues an environmental policy, which includes the following commitments:

  • Compliance with regulations.
  • Efficient management of resources and energy transition: electric vehicles | Remote readings from water meters | Soft mobility | Energy audit ...
  • Limiting air and noise pollution: projects  OPS | TRIPLO + | STANDBHY | GREENBAY
  • Promotion of waste sorting: Selective sorting | Ashtrays ...
  • Raising awareness of sustainable practices among staff and users: awareness panels |
  • photographic exhibition | distribution of a welcome booklet
  • Internal and external training
  • Regular communication about the impact and environmental initiatives. @portsradedetoulon | @cruisetoulonbay | LinkedIn : Harbours of Toulon | Website
  • Annual review of objectives based on results and needs for continuous improvement.


Environmental studies completed since 2020

18 month

analysis of air pollution around the Harbours of Toulon

5000 m2

of photovoltaic panel canopies installed in 2023
(OPS project supported by the Toulon Provence Mediterranean (TPM) Metropolitan Authority)


Zero-smoke stopover charter with CORSICA FERRIES


Cruise lines have signed the sustainable cruise charter

(which is part of the strategy for the sustainable management of cruising in the Mediterranean)


Déplacement du personnel à vélo sur le terminal Fret de Brégaillon à la Seyne sur mer


Decarbonisation of activities


The Harbours of Toulon will soon benefit from unique solutions which will contribute to the drastic reduction in air, noise and vibration pollution.


In fact, the TPM Metropolitan Authority is preparing the Onshore Power Supply (OPS – (OPS) for the 3 quays serving the Toulon Côte d'Azur Passenger Terminal. This is a power supply system based on an energy mix (electricity and photovoltaic grid), which is unique in Europe and will allow ships on long stopovers to shut down their engines. This action will reduce in an 80% reduction in onshore emission time.


Since 2016, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Var has been committed to an energy transition by moving towards greener solutions, in particular by developing hydrogen technology. In November 2021, the Harbours of Toulon were granted regional financing for the STANDBHY project. The aim of this project is to set up a mobile hydrogen generator, intended to supply electricity to ships moored during their stopovers. This initiative will allow ships based at La Seyne-sur-Mer to shut down their engines while moored along the quay. The Harbours of Toulon are the 1st port in France to establish this connection facility for ships.

In addition, the Harbours of Toulon favour an environmentally friendly mobility approach for internal journeys, including the purchase of electric vehicles and the use of bicyles to get round the terminals.

EUR 20 million

investment for the OPS project
(being run by the TPM Metropolitan Authority)

EUR 800,000

subsidy from the Southern Region

for the STANDBHY project



The Var CCI pursues a social policy, which includes the following commitments:

  • Tackling discrimination and promoting equal treatment between men and women as well as diversity: recruitment process
  • Promoting employees' ability to express themselves and respond to the content of their work: Business and Social Council | Personal and professional maintenance, thematic work groups ...
  • Facilitating skills maintenance and development: Training | Human resource planning
  • Preserving both physical and mental health: Mental health risk officer | Sexual harassment officer |Safety Coordinator | counselling service | occupational health risk assessment ...
  • Recognising employees in their diversity: Human resource planning for employees with disabilities | adapted equipment ...


of the training budget allocated to occupational health/safety/well-being training

79% on permanent contracts 

(As of end August 2023)


absenteeism rate at the end of August 2023

Strong local connection


Aware of the direct and indirect positive and negative impacts which port activity can have on the local community and in order to ensure that it is acceptable, the Harbours of Toulon undertake to maintain a committed, trusting and ongoing relationship with our stakeholders in order to respond to requests, provide the best service and control any nuisances.

  • In other words, maintain a dialogue with the institutions and other economic operators. Regular meeting with the Harbour community are organised particularly about the following issues: mooring, piloting, towing, harbourmaster's office, customs, etc.
  • Dialogue with local associations. Partnerships with local environmental associations are also developed to ensure joint actions and regular dialogue.
  • Dialogue with the general public and citizens: dissemination of information, surveys, transparency, handling of complaints, consultation, etc.

In addition, the Harbours of Toulon are a strong player contributing to local economic and social development by:

  • supporting innovation in the marine sector 
  • participating in local community initiatives: ocean hackathon, Young Toulonnais local project, etc.
  • raising public awareness in terms of creating the world of the future: student visits, environmental awareness-raising events, etc.



meetings a year with the harbour community

Between 5 and 10

student placements per year from local universities


Ingénieure ports responsables - Marianne Garde




Marianne GARDE

[email protected]